When you get ready to invest in a new insurance website, make sure you get these perks out of it.
At Stratosphere, launching a new insurance website is par for the course. This is our sweet spot, and we love helping our clients stay ahead of the latest digital trends by custom-building updated online presences for them! If, however, website design isn’t an area of expertise for you, we can help. When you’re shopping for a new insurance website, don’t be afraid to demand excellence! Your site is your agency’s face to the world, and it deserves to be beautiful.
Want proof that you can get everything you wanted out of your website – and then some – here are a few examples of our recent work. Check them out and get a feel for what your web designer should be doing for you.
Patterson & Associates Insurance
Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc.
Nearly all of these sites feature a payment and claims page. When building a new insurance agency website, many agents focus on gaining new clientele and lose focus on their existing clients. Retention is one of most important focuses for established insurance agencies, though! Your new website should cater to potentially new clientele, but it needs to also provide all the necessities an existing client would find useful. The payments and claims page is key to existing client's user experience. Give your clients an easy and efficient way to find their carrier, make a payment. and file a claim and your site can help tremendously with retention!
This is just one way your site can support your business. Are you ready to upgrade your agency through a new insurance website? If so, go straight to the experts! Contact Stratosphere Marketing Solutions in Westlake Village to learn how we can create a customized, compelling website just for you!